Monday, July 26, 2010


"I am because you are. A simple statement. But one in which we find incredible power. Ubuntu teaches us that we’re all inextricably linked –that in order for one to succeed, the whole must succeed. It teaches us that to be human, one needs humanity –that there is an element of ourselves in all whom we meet."

"This is the story of a young boy and an old man. A story of how this connection is able to change a life forever. Thulani was born with a cleft lip and abandoned by his family. He lived on the streets, an outcast shunned by society. There was, however, one man that always greeted Thulani when their paths crossed. They never spoke, but he had always recognized something of himself in the boy. The man was old –his face masked behind a bushy grey beard.
One day he stopped to speak. He told Thulani that Operation Smile would be visiting a village a few days away. But Thulani had no money. Together, the two collected enough to pay for two bus tickets and made their way to the mission. Thulani’s surgery was successful. He could barely believe he was looking at himself when the old man held a mirror to his face. The old man was offered a bath and a shave. As he emerged, it became clear why they’d shared such a connection. Behind the old man’s grey beard, remained the scar of a cleft lip."

Friday, July 23, 2010

figure out the rest of your life.

have you watched the 1Goal videos? theyre so great! 72 million children on the planet aren't being educated. 60% of them are in Africa. i just watched oprah's 'the 25th season will be my last' speech. *so emotional* it's the end of an era.. weird thinking that my children won't come home from school and wonder what's on oprah today. we won't sit on the couch and watch the amazing christmas episodes where the audience gets every kind of free thing imaginable. *sigh* i guess that's how time goes...

the point i was trying to make is that i was already in an emotional state, and then the jessica alba and bono video came on. (you should watch it!) WOW. what strikes me is the biggest lesson ive learnt from operationsmilesouthafrica, -you can make a difference. a huge one. the smallest thing, one hour a week spent tutoring a child, could be the highlight of their week. one hour spent honestly caring about their needs, about their well-being, about their hopes and dreams. -that's what makes the difference! ive been so blessed to have grown up with amaaaazing people shaping the person ive become. and i am beyond grateful. i can only hope to make as great an impact on the life of another person, -and i do, everyday. we sometimes forget how much of an impact every moment shared with another has on them. and i like to stop and think, 'what is it that people see in me when we spend time together? when we speak for a moment in the store? when they see me across the room before we meet? when they hear me talking to my friends about my weekend?'

so this post is purely to remind you of the millions of people in need of your help. your talents, your passion, your time, your resources. we've been so blessed. if youre reading this, you are literate. and able to comprehend my thoughts. you have access to a computer and internet. you are SO blessed. let's help those who aren't. there are so many amazing projects, so many ways to get involved in uplifting the hearts and quality of life of others. there is no excuse. GET INVOLVED!

and have a wonderful weekend, reflecting on your blessings and contemplating how you can make a difference. -it's a really exciting thing!

Friday, July 2, 2010


It is said that the most beautiful things in this world cannot be seen or touched, that they can only be felt with the heart.

"You could see her beauty even behind her cleft lip. The edges of her mouth would curl upward, barely visible behind her tiny hands. She loved to laugh, her giggling belying her circumstances. But there was always a silent sadness in her eyes –too scared to open herself up to the world. She’d been hurt so many times. Teased to the point where she wouldn’t play with other children. She was from a poor family, in a poor village. Her parents brought in barely enough for the family to eat, let alone being able to pay for an expensive operation. Upon hearing that Operation Smile would be visiting their village, her mother broke down in tears. They had waited for this for so long. On the day the operation was performed on her mouth she was given so much more than a new smile.

For the first time, she smiled with her eyes."